Teacher Assistant and General school Assistant vacancies Phase 3 for 2022-2023
Department of education is having teachers assistant and general school assistant phase 3 programme for the academic year 2022-2023. With Phase 3 of the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI) fast approaching its end date of 31 August 2022 it is the last time to apply for teachers and general school assistants.
Phase 3 of the PYEI, which is being implemented in the basic education sector, has started its second half of implementation, and according to the DBE, there are several positive tales related by students, instructors, and principals on the influence of teachers and general assistants. The assessment indicates that the initiative can continue, which is why further applications are required.
When schools reopen for Term Three of the 2022 academic year, fewer than seven weeks of Phase III will remain, according to the department. “During this period, high schools would be preparing for the 2022 preliminary matriculation tests. “Furthermore, there would not be enough time to provide the kids with the appropriate orientation and training,” the agency said.
The results of Phase I of the PYEI-BEEI audit suggested that schools that gave full stipends to absent students did not provide value for money. In response to this finding and in accordance with the principles of good governance and financial management contained in the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), the Department of Basic Education produced a guideline for calculating pro-rata payments. The purpose of the recommendations was to help institutions in establishing consistent deduction rules.
The Department of Basic Education has established the Phase III stipend at the minimum wage rate (NMW). “ According to the Department of Employment and Labour, the minimum wage will be R23.19 per hour as of 1 March 2022. The effective stipend for youngsters appointed in Phase III of the PYEI is R4,081.44, which includes the employee contribution to the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF).
“Therefore, the monthly stipend due to the assistants is R4,040.63 after deducting the 1 percent employee payment to UIF, which is R40.81,” said the department. The following clauses are included in the Phase III employment contract.
- Unless the deduction is allowed by law, an employer may not take money from an EA/salary GSA’s without the EA/approval. GSA’s
- An employer must deduct and pay the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) that the EA/GSA is obligated to pay to the Department of Employment and Labour.
- An employer may deduct any erroneously overpaid funds to the EA/GSA.
- An employer may not demand or permit the EA/GSA to compensate the employer or any other individual for employment.
- An employer may deduct from the EA/pay GSA’s the number of days for which the Assistant took leave in excess of the allotted leave days.
“Schools are not permitted to make deductions that are not in accordance with the work contract agreed between the youth and the school,” the DBE said.
Requirements for teacher assistants and general school assistants.
Youth between the ages of 18 and 35 who are not enrolled in school nor receiving a government grant, as well as young people with disabilities and women, are urged to apply for this excellent opportunity. Those accepted for placement will have the chance to acquire training in a variety of skills that will prepare them for future work prospects.
Youth training and skills development
The PYEI adopted in the basic education sector aims to give learning and employment possibilities for young people. It is targeted at sustaining livelihoods and acts as a tool for addressing South Africa’s high young unemployment rate. One of the primary goals of the PYEI in the sector is to equip beneficiaries with skills and abilities that will improve their future job opportunities. For this purpose, the Department of Basic Education has used some of its partners’ training offerings to equip the school-appointed youth.
Those who require additional information on how to access the training are urged to send an email inquiry should to beei@education.gov.za
“The DBE wants to ensure that all the youth appointed in school under the banner of the PYEI gain meaningful experience and access to useful learning opportunities.”
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